Personal Growth Through Affirmations, Meditation, and Motivational Quotes

I believe people are successful because they believe in themselves, they are confident, and they dream big. I came upon this intriguing information while searching the net for ways to stay positive. After digging deeper into the subject it all came together. You see, being positive is a huge step in self improvement. A person who creates a negative field around them receives negativity in return. Have you ever noticed when your having a horrible day that it just keeps getting worse. I spent years wondering why I was cursed with bad luck. It followed me everywhere I went. When I awoke, it was there to greet me and all day thereafter. After realizing that no one was going to send me a million dollar check in the mail or my dream job would just magically appear I finally decided on CHANGE. It's a big word and not that easy to commit to. To change you have to start with small steps and then after each step you will notice a huge difference in the way your day or life begins to unfold.
I believe people are successful because they believe in themselves, they are confident, and they dream big. I came upon this intriguing information while searching the net for ways to stay positive. After digging deeper into the subject it all came together. You see, being positive is a huge step in self improvement. A person who creates a negative field around them receives negativity in return. Have you ever noticed when your having a horrible day that it just keeps getting worse. I spent years wondering why I was cursed with bad luck. It followed me everywhere I went. When I awoke, it was there to greet me and all day thereafter. After realizing that no one was going to send me a million dollar check in the mail or my dream job would just magically appear I finally decided on CHANGE. It's a big word and not that easy to commit to. To change you have to start with small steps and then after each step you will notice a huge difference in the way your day or life begins to unfold.

Affirmations, meditation, and motivational quotes are powerful steps to change. Access to this kind of information is as easy as a click of the mouse. Smart phones provide a lot of helpful applications also. I began with affirmations. Affirmations are something declared to be true, a positive statement or judgment.

Affirmations are highly recommended by me because you are affirming to yourself that you are great, successful, wealthy, at peace, and completely loved. Now even if that is not true, the more you repeat to yourself that you are all of those things and truly believe it; the better your life will get. These things will happen to you at some point if you want them to and are open to all the good that you deserve.

Meditation is a devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation. It is another positive self improving method that millions of people use all over the world. It is a way of peace and relaxation. If you look at the world around us you notice that individuals are always on the run. We have an enormous amount of information coming from the internet, the news, our email, and every other thing that rules our lives. Take 15 minutes out of your day for quite time. You can use this to listen to a mediation app on your iPhone or iPad, listen to calming music or just lay in a park surrounded by nature. When you have time to rest it gives you time to think about the things that your grateful for and in return shines some light on the rest of your day.

Now, I know most will say they don't have that long to enjoy quite, but I can tell you that you do. I am a mother of three young children who follow me everywhere I go and I still manage to take my 15 minutes to gain some sanity.

Motivational quotes has made a huge impact on me. I write them on my dry erase board so that every time I walk past them they are in my visual sight. Gandhi said "You must be the change you want to see in the world". Now I like this quote not only because it mention's change, but because it is saying that you have to put effort into yourself in order to change the things that happen around you.

Although there will still be days where everything seems to go wrong, but keep in mind that the way you handle yourself during these times can make a difference on how bad it affects you emotionally and physically. Take time for yourself, give yourself the respect you deserve, and be kind to others as it brings kindness back to you. Gratitude practiced everyday will enforce your road to success.

Amanda Cozzi

I am a stay at home mother of three beautiful children. My goal in life is to be uplifting, positive, and an all around great person. Writing has been a passion of mine since grade school and I continue to be uplifted by many of my favorite authors.

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